Discounts and exemptions

Find out if you're entitled to a discount or exemption on your council tax.

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You may be entitled to a reduction in council tax based on personal circumstances or the condition of your property.

If there are less than two adults in your property you may be eligible for a council tax discount of 25%. 

Find out about Single person discount and apply by registering for Council Tax Online..

If you're a student you may be eligible for a council tax discount or exemption

Find out about Student discount or exemption and apply by registering for Council Tax Online.

If your property is empty and unfurnished you can apply for a vacant and unfurnished exemption which means you don't have to pay council tax for the first 6 months. 

Find out about Vacant and unfurnished exemption.

If your property is or has been undergoing major repairs or structural alteration you may not need to pay the Council Tax for up to a year.

Find out about Major repair exemption. 

If you or anyone in your home is disabled and there are facilities that are required to meet the needs of the disabled person within the property you may qualify for a Disabled Persons reduction on your Council Tax.

Find out about Disabled persons reduction.

Individuals not counted when working out the number of adults living in a property also include:

  • long-term hospital patients
  • people with a mental impairment
  • a long term patient in care
  • carers 
  • care leavers
  • people whose main residence is a hostel or a night shelter
  • people who are members of religious communities
  • people in prison
  • people under 18

Find out if you're eligible and apply for a discount.

An exemption may be awarded from payment of council tax where a property is unoccupied or is solely occupied and:

  • undergoing major repair work or structural alteration
  • due to the death of the last occupier
  • held for use by a minister of religion
  • due to repossession
  • difficult to let because it forms part of another property
  • due to legal prohibition
  • owned by a charity
  • was last used in connection to agriculture
  • a person receives care

Find out if you're eligible and apply for an exemption.


Last modified on 29 January 2025