Extended hours licence
Apply for an extended hours licence.
What's an extended hours licence?
If you want to extend your licensing hours in connection with a special event or occasion to be catered on the premises, or for a special event of local or national significance, you must apply at least 21 days before the proposed start of the event.
How to apply
Download an extended licence application form (PDF, 76 KB)(opens new window).
Please email complete applications to celicensing@eastrenfrewshire.gov.uk.
What happens next?
Your application will be sent to the Chief Constable, Police Scotland and the Licensing Standards Officer. They've 10 days to notify the Licensing Board of any comments or objections.
The Board may ask you to attend a hearing if there are objections or comments. If there's none, the application will probably be decided without a hearing.
If you don't hear from us about the outcome of your application within a reasonable period email celicensing@eastrenfrewshire.gov.uk for an update.