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Taxi licence knowledge test

Apply for a taxi or private hire licence knowledge test

Service information 

When applying for a taxi driver licence or a a private hire driver licence, new drivers need to pass our taxi driver knowledge test. This tests your knowledge of local streets and places within the East Renfrewshire Council area.  

The test is paper based and consists of 25 multiple choice questions. A pass mark of 50% is required.  

If you're renewing your taxi driver or private hire driver licence or if your licence has expired in the last 6 months, you don't need to re-sit your knowledge test. 

Before you start

You're required to have a general knowledge of the East Renfrewshire area.

View the locations you're required to know to pass the test.


The knowledge test is £59.

The fee will be taken at the time you submit your application. 

What happens next? 

A member of our team will be in contact to arrange your knowledge test. 

Last modified on 17 September 2024