Find out about waiting and loading restrictions, car parks and and view a list of free, electric vehicle charging points and parking spaces. You can also pay a parking fine.
Waiting and loading restrictions
We're reviewing all waiting and loading restrictions in East Renfrewshire.
Car parks
Parking attendants enforce parking in East Renfrewshire.
Pavement parking ban
Find out about the pavement, double and dropped kerb parking ban and how we'll implement it in East Renfrewshire
Pay a parking fine
Find out out how to pay a parking fine or Penalty Charge Notice.
Disabled Persons Parking Places (On-Street)
Details about the current Disabled Persons Parking Places On-Street Traffic Regulation Order (TRO)
Apply for or renew a Blue Badge
Find out about the blue badge scheme and how to apply.
Electric vehicle charging points
Find details of electric vehicle charge points and parking spaces and how to report a problem.