Archiving and transfer arrangements

Records that have enduring value are permanently retained and made accessible.


Some of the records created or acquired by us will have a long-term value as historic archives, even after their administrative utility has ended.


Procedures to manage the transfer of records which have been identified as having archival value have been established, and we maintain a records store on the Williamwood Campus.

This facility secures, processes and makes available archival material including the records of the current and prior local authorities and local organisations in line with our Collection and Acquisition Policy.

Archives are appropriately catalogued and access to them is both encouraged and controlled.

Improvement actions and review

The provision for physical archives continues to be under review, and policies and provision for electronic archiving will need to be developed. An Archives Service Standards document is being drafted.

Responsible officer

Senior Information and Improvement Officer


Last modified on 20 May 2021