Records management

Find out how we manage our records.

We've brought together our content on records management within the pages listed below. This forms the Records Management Plan for the Council and the Licensing Board in compliance with the Public Records (Scotland) Act 2011 and contains a range of policies, procedures, guidance and advice on all aspects of managing our records. Please note that these pages are currently being reviewed prior to resubmission to the Keeper of the Records of Scotland.


Records management guidance

This element of the Records Management Plan brings together a range of guidance and advice on the management of records.

Senior management responsibility

This element of the Records Management Plan is about defining the officer who has overall responsibility for the management of information within the council.

Records management responsibility

This element of the Records Management Plan is about defining the officer who has operational responsibility for the records management within the Council.

Records management policy

This element of the Records Management Plan defines the overarching policy on records management.

Destruction arrangements

Records are destroyed in a timely and appropriate manner and records of their destruction are maintained.

Archiving and transfer arrangements

Records that have enduring value are permanently retained and made accessible.

Information security

Records are held in accordance with information security compliance requirements.

Data protection

This element of the Records Management Plan is about how we manage records containing personal data.

Business continuity and vital records

Record recovery, prioritising vital records, is an integral part of the authority's business continuity planning.

Audit trail: tracking and version control

The location of records are known and changes recorded.

Records management training for staff

Staff creating or processing records are appropriately trained and supported.

Assessment and review

Records management arrangements are regularly and systematically reviewed with actions taken when required.

Shared information

Information sharing, both within the authority and with other bodies or individuals, has to be necessary, lawful and controlled.

Business Classification and Records Retention

Records are classified, retained and disposed of in accordance with the Retention Schedule.

Public records created or held by third parties

Adequate arrangements must be in place for the management of records created and held by third parties who carry out any functions of the authority.