Records management guidance

This element of the Records Management Plan brings together a range of guidance and advice on the management of records.


There's no specific requirement within the Public Records (Scotland) Act to produce guidance notes on aspects of records management but it was felt that these should be included in our plan so as to give them prominence and make them easily accessible to staff.


To be of real value to us, it's important that the principles of good records management which form the spine of the Records Management Plan are articulated in practical guidance to ensure that these are carried out by staff.

To that end, a range of guidance on everything from managing your paper files to using M365 has been developed and has been brought together at the 'evidence and resources' section below.

Improvement actions and review

All guidance is subject to review, both in terms of the notes already given but also to identify where new guidance needs to be developed.

Responsible officer

Senior Information and Improvement Officer


Last modified on 2 November 2023