Online primary one application process set to begin
Parents can submit from Tuesday 1 December

Published: 26 November 2020
Parents applying for primary one catchment places at East Renfrewshire schools can submit their application online from 1 December.
The online form provides a simple and effective method for parents and carers to submit applications, with almost all applicants choosing this method last year.
Due to Covid-19 restrictions, measures have been put in place to ensure there is no requirement for parents to have to attend school to complete the admission process, as has been the case previously.
Supporting documents required as part of the process still need to be produced, but this can now be done digitally as part of the two stage online process.
The online process will go live on Tuesday 1 December and parents and carers of children who will be five-years-old between March 2021 and February 2022 should apply to register in either the local denominational or non-denominational school at this time.
The deadline for applications is midnight on Friday 22 January. Any catchment applications after 22 January 2021 should continue to be submitted using the online form. However, it is advisable where possible to make your application by this date as this provides you with the best chance of securing a place in your preferred school.
It is important that an application is made for residents' preferred local catchment area school in the first instance, even if you plan to make a placing request for your child to attend another school or seek to defer your child's start to school. We would ask you to apply for the local catchment school, even if you intend to educate your child privately or at home.
Places are prioritised in cases of oversubscription by catchment pupils, in line with the council's admissions arrangements.
Families who are applying for a catchment place at a Roman Catholic school in the area are required to produce a baptismal certificate. Priority is given to Roman Catholic baptised children if they live in the school catchment area and if there is an oversubscription of catchment applications; and when this is the case those children of a different or no faith not able to be placed in the local Roman Catholic school will be offered a place in their local non-denominational catchment school.
The documents required to be uploaded in order to complete the application process are:
- Child's birth certificate
- Current Council Tax notice
- Roman Catholic baptismal certificate (if applicable)
- Most recent mortgage statement or rental agreement
- Proof of Child Benefit
- Recent utility bill
- Driving licence, or recent bank statement (with transactions in the last 3 months) can also be accepted if you are not in receipt of Child Benefit
Mark Ratter, Director of Education at East Renfrewshire Council, said: 'Our online primary one application process has now been in place for the past two years and I look forward to building on its success. Covid-19 has undoubtedly presented many challenges and as we aim to continue to keep our schools as safe as possible for all staff and pupils we have had to amend our processes slightly this year. Parents and carers will now be able to submit their supporting evidence in the second stage of the online process, as it is not possible to have people physically handing these documents in to schools as happened in the past. By introducing this extension to the system I hope it will make it more straightforward for parents to complete the application process. This is the start of the journey for our next group of pupils joining our schools and we look forward to welcoming them through the doors next summer.'
The application form will be available on our school admissions page.
Whilst the online process will be used by many, alternative arrangements for those unable to submit an application online can be arranged. Further details on this can be obtained by calling the Education department.
Once all applications for children wishing to enrol at their local catchment schools have been received and processed, parents will receive written confirmation at the end of March advising of their child's P1 place.
While most children attend their local school, parents can choose to apply for a place in another school through a placing request.
Placing requests for the session beginning in August 2021 must be submitted by January 31 and can be submitted online from December 1. Placing request applications will be processed and responded to by the end of April 2021.
Visit our placing requests web page for more information. If you have a query about your catchment area or school, please contact the education department on 0141 577 3246.