Local Place Plans

Find out about Local Place Plans and how to produce them

Local place Plans are an opportunity for real community based change. They are a tool for communities to produce their own plans that express community aspirations and solutions for the use of land in their local area.

What is a Local Place Plan?

Local place plans are community led and collaboratively produced

  • They include proposals from communities about how land is used in their area.
  • They help communities develop and deliver their own projects
  • They include a map which shows where changes should happen
  • They include an action plan which sets out how it will be delivered
  • Proposals can include community facilities, new homes, better streets, greenspaces and action to support well-being and community activity
  • Plans should be registered with the Planning Authority
  • Registered pans will feed into the new Local Development Plan

To ensure Local Place Plans are considered during preparation of Local Development Plan 3 they should be submitted for registration by March 2024. Plans can be submitted after this date but will have less influence.

Who should consider preparing a Local Place Plan?

The community will be at the heart of preparing each plan with the Council playing a facilitating role.

There are no set limits on the size of a Local Place Plan area. It could be a neighbourhood based on community identity or community council area. Community councils or a constituted community body should submit their plan to the council.

The preparation work can include local residents, local business, third sector organisation, local charities and local organisations. Collaboration and engagement will be key to success.

Read The Circular: Local Place Plans which explains how LPPs should be prepared.

The 'How to guide' in the related links section of this page includes case studies of communities who have prepared a LPP.

This guide may not be accessible to all, so if you require a printed version please contact Planning@eastrenfrewshire.gov.uk

Submit a note of interest

To express your interest in preparing a Local Place Plan complete the request form above. We are happy to discuss how we can help.

Last modified on 20 June 2023