Glasgow City Region Leaders urge residents to keep to the COVID-19 rules

Keep yourself and others safe.

Local restrictions

Published: 18 September 2020

The Leaders of the eight local authorities in the Glasgow City Region have come together to urge local residents to keep to the rules, keep their loved ones safe, and keep us all out of lockdown.

With limited restrictions in every part of the region except Inverclyde there is a risk that if people don't follow the rules then far more severe restrictions will be necessary.

The City Region Leaders said: 'The virus hasn't gone away and it can get a grip in only a few days. The very limited restrictions we have in place in some parts of the region are hard enough for people but if we don't all stick to the rules the number of cases will keep rising and those restrictions will just get tougher.

'Please do not meet in groups of more than six from more than two households, and if you live anywhere other than Inverclyde then please do not have anyone socialise in your home. Having too many people in our homes is still the main source of infection and we must do everything we can to stop things getting worse.'

Additional restrictions currently apply to all parts of the city region except Inverclyde.

These additional restrictions are:

  • You cannot host people from any other households in your home socially, unless they are in your extended household and you cannot make a social visit to people you do not live with in their home no matter where that is, unless they are in your extended household.
  • Indoor care home and hospital visits are restricted to essential visits only.
  • If someone in your household is identified as a close contact of a confirmed case then your entire household must isolate for 14 days.

The city region's local authorities and their Leaders are:

  • East Renfrewshire - Councillor Tony Buchanan
  • East Dunbartonshire - Councillor Vaughan Moody and Councillor Andrew Polson
  • West Dunbartonshire - Councillor Jonathan McColl
  • Glasgow City - Councillor Susan Aitken
  • Inverclyde - Councillor Stephen McCabe
  • North Lanarkshire - Councillor Jim Logue
  • South Lanarkshire - Councillor John Ross
  • Renfrewshire - Councillor Iain Nicolson
Last modified on 3 November 2020