
If you're a landlord, tell us about a change of tenancy, Landlords are liable for council tax while the property is empty.

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Service information

Only complete this application if you're the Landlord. If you're a tenant complete a move in application.

New tenants don't always tell us right away they've moved into a property. If you're the landlord tell us straight away by completing the Change of tenancy application online, so we can send the council tax bill to the new tenant.

Landlords are liable for council tax while the property is empty.

Before you start

Complete a change of tenancy application online if you're a landlord, letting agent or someone acting on behalf of a tenant only. If you're the tenant complete a moving in or moving out application.

Go to the section Landlord or Agent and select 'tell us if a tenant has moved in or out'

  • complete an online application to tell us details of the tenant moving out
  • complete a new application to tell us details of the tenant moving in
  • attach a copy of the signed tenancy agreement with the information detailed below or your application will be rejected
  • you don't need to tell us if you've renewed a tenancy with the same tenant

you only need to upload certain pages of the tenancy agreement including tenant and landlord details, property address, tenancy start date, landlord and tenant signatures.

Apply online

Last modified on 29 January 2025